India's PM in top 10 criminal search

by 09:20 0 comments
The search engine giant Google has apologized after Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi appeared in the “Top 10 criminals” image search results. In a statement Google quoted this as a “confusion or misunderstanding.”

In the search results, PM Modi was in the search results prominently alongside the likes of terrorist, dictators and murderers. The other people included in the list were Microsoft founder Bill Gates and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal.
In a statement, Google said: “We apologise for any confusion or misunderstanding this has caused. We’re continually working to improve our algorithms to prevent unexpected results like this.”
Google said that these flawed search results were due to a British daily which had some erroneous metadata with an image of PM Modi. The internet company said: “These results trouble us and are not reflective of the opinions of Google. Sometimes, the way images are described on the internet can yield surprising results to specific queries.”
“Sometimes, the way images are described on the internet (metadata) can yield surprising results to specific queries,” the statement added.



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